Reminder: Ulster Scots

John Cowan cowan at
Tue Apr 6 20:01:20 CEST 2010

Mark Davis â?? scripsit:

> But for for the prefix model of BCP47 to work well, the obvious "parents" of
> V should be registered. For example, suppose that I wanted to register
> Beckmeier's orthography of Valley Girl English (as opposed to Tedesco's or
> Humphrey-Brookrock's). It doesn't mean that I need to have Tedesco's
> or Humphrey-Brookrock's registered also, but it does mean that I should
> register Valley Girl English, so that we can have en-US as a prefix
> for valygirl, and en-US-valygirl as a prefix for beckmeie.

Quite so.  However, the current (2 April) proposal says "The Ulster
dialect of Scots", without reference to orthography.  If the intended
user is willing to let dialect imply orthography, then that should be
good enough.

There are, after all, works written in the U.S. dialect of English using
British orthography -- not only pre-1828 ones, but the occasional anomaly
like my edition of Ursula K. Le Guin's _Powers_ (2007), which for some
reason (though it claims to be printed in the U.S.) uses a number of
British spellings as well as many American ones.  Nevertheless, people
normally use en-US for both the distinctive dialect and the distinctive

De plichten van een docent zijn divers,         John Cowan
die van het gehoor ook.                         cowan at
      --Edsger Dijkstra               

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