Proposed record for 'alalc97'

Doug Ewell doug at
Thu Nov 26 18:16:29 CET 2009

Here is a record for the 'alalc97' subtag proposed by Avram Lyon.  This 
needs to be on the list for at least a week during the two-week review 
period, which I assume began on November 24 with his posting of the 
registration form.  In all likelihood this would be submitted at the 
same time as the ISO 15924-based changes, unless a revision and restart 
are necessary.

Type: variant
Subtag: alalc97
Description: ALA-LC Romanization, 1997 edition
Added: 2009-12-09
Comments: Romanizations recommended by the American Library Association
  and the Library of Congress, in "ALA-LC Romanization Tables:
  Transliteration Schemes for Non-Roman Scripts" (1997)

Doug Ewell  |  Thornton, Colorado, USA  |
RFC 5645, 4645, UTN #14  |  ietf-languages @ ­

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