Criteria for languages?

Randy Presuhn randy_presuhn at
Fri Dec 4 22:58:30 CET 2009

Hi -

> From: "Mark Davis ☕" <mark at>
> To: "Peter Constable" <petercon at>
> Cc: "Randy Presuhn" <randy_presuhn at>; <ietf-languages at>
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 9:24 AM
> Subject: Re: Criteria for languages?
>    2. *NEW: A major industry body has been tagging X as Y (rightly or
>    wrongly)*

It depends on how major major is and how wrong wrongly has been.
Even more critical is the amount of data tagged and how many
different entities would have to get involved in a re-tagging
effort.  A single organization, even with terabytes of mis-tagged
data, could be easier to cope with than hundreds of organizations
with total data less than a megabyte.

This will always be a judgement call, with some cases easier to
decide than others.


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