Principles of Operation (was LANGUAGE SUBTAG REQUEST FORMErzgebirgisch)

David Starner prosfilaes at
Fri Jan 25 01:47:50 CET 2008

On Jan 24, 2008 2:19 PM, Frank Ellermann <nobody at> wrote:
> But if you'd try to register en-caesarea now, and somebody
> else says it's actually ang-caesarea (or nds, or sxu), it
> is not more funny.  Linguistically correct or otherwise,
> a prefix has to make sense in the Web of this millennium.

I would think that the important thing is that it uniquely identifies
the language. Why does it matter whether it's en-caesarea or
ang-caesarea except to linguists? Those details should be hidden from
end users and are in most cases.

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