Addition request: alsatian

Michael Everson everson at
Wed Jan 9 16:33:51 CET 2008

At 06:52 -0800 2008-01-09, Doug Ewell wrote:

>"en-US" and "en-CA" mean, roughly, English with specific features 
>generally thought to be characteristic of the United States and 
>Canada, respectively.  They do not imply that a significant 
>dialectical boundary exists between any arbitrarily selected point 
>in the U.S. and any arbitrarily selected point in Canada, which 
>boundary does not exist between points within the U.S. or within 

To me, en-CA means "my preferred locale" because Canadian English 
spelling tends to be closer to Oxford spelling (colour, centre, tyre, 
civilize) than en-US or en-GB. Under Mac OS X in some apps I get to 
choose Canadian spell-checking. (I wish I could choose en-Oxford 
Michael Everson *

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