Yury Tarasievich yury.tarasievich at
Thu Aug 28 15:01:40 CEST 2008

Michael Everson wrote:
> I'll approve one or more subtags in the format YYYYacad provided that  
> a specific dictionary/grammar reference to the orthography is given  
> for each. I won't approve the 2008/2010 one because it is not official  
> and unpublished.
> This seems safest and non-controversial, since a particular source  
> reference will be cited. This is just what we did for the French subtag.

For 1959acad the reference edition is:

1. Belarusian grammar. In 2 volumes / Institute of linguistics of 
Academy of sciences of BSSR ; Edited by M. V. Biryla and P. P. Shuba, 
Minsk, Navuka i technika, 1985. (Беларуская граматыка. У 2-х ч. / АН 
БССР, Ін-т мовазнаўства імя Я. Коласа; [Рэд. М. В. Бірыла, П. П. Шуба]. 
– Мн. : Навука і тэхніка, 1985.). No ISBN.

which superseded the equivalent 1962-1966 academic edition.

1a. Also there is academic "Short grammar of Belarusian language", 
Volume 1, Minsk, 2007, published under the auspices of Institute of 
linguistics, and represents the 1985 edition, abridged and updated.

2. The phonology is presented by the corresponding chapters in the 
academic grammar and by the Phonetics of the Belarusian literary 
language edited by A. I. Padluzhny, Minsk, 1989. (Фанетыка беларускай 
літатурнай мовы / І. Р. Бурлыка, Л. Ц. Выгонная, Г. В. Лосік, А. І. 
Падлужны; Рэд. А. І. Падлужны. — Мн.:Навука і тэхніка, 1989. — 335 с. 
ISBN 5-343-00292-7.)

3. The normative vocabulary is academic "Vocabulary of Belarusian 
language" ("Тлумачальны слоўнік беларускай мовы") in 5 volumes (in 
1980s). Also there is academic, 1 volume, 65 thousand words, edition, 
abridged and updated, published Minsk, 2005.

If you'll need more precise ISBNs on newer editions, let me know. I 
don't have everything of those at hand.


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