ISO 639 decision: arc = Official Aramaic; Imperial Aramaic

Doug Ewell dewell at
Tue May 29 06:46:54 CEST 2007

On Wed May 2 23:50:07 CEST 2007, Håvard Hjulstad <HHj at standard dot no> 

> ISO 639 Registration Authorities' Joint Advisory Committee has made the 
> following decision:
> The item "arc", which has been encoded in ISO 639-2 and ISO 639-3 with the 
> name "Aramaic" and "araméen" (English and French), is changed to "Official 
> Aramaic; Imperial Aramaic" and "araméen d'empire", with an addition of a 
> note indicating the time span 700-300 BCE.

This was 26 days ago.  When can we expect this decision to be reflected in 
the lists on the official ISO 639-2 Web site?  I've been waiting to see how 
the "time span" note is worded before proposing a change to the IETF 
Language Subtag Registry. 

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