
Doug Ewell dewell at
Mon Apr 23 16:07:46 CEST 2007

Clearly, if one side says there is controversy and the other side says 
there is none, there is controversy.

Question for all:  Are there any likely users of this subtag who would 
not understand the term "Taraskievica" or its relationship to the subtag 
value "tarask", and would need the word "classical" to help them 
understand the meaning of the subtag?

It is not our place to make value judgments on languages, scripts, 
orthographies, etc. and calling one orthography "classic" or "classical" 
clearly is seen by one side as a value judgment.  If this cannot be 
resolved, it may be that the Reviewer will need to ask for an additional 
two-week review period so the principals can iron this out.

Doug Ewell  *  Fullerton, California, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14

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