Policy on subtag format; baku1926

C Eddie Whitehead cewcathar at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 12 19:25:41 CEST 2007


As a non-list member now, I'd nevertheless like to know the following (which may have some application to Reshat's requested subtag--that is, to whether it needs to be 1926baku or whether it can be either baku1926 or 1926baku):

* Whether or not there is any policy regarding the formatting of the variant subtags other than:
a minimum of 5 characters for subtags beginning with a letter,
and of 4 characters for subtags beginning with a number,
and a maximum of 8 characters regardless.

(See http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt
 "variant       = 5*8alphanum            ; registered variants
                 / (DIGIT 3alphanum)"
. . . 
"   4.  Variant subtags MUST be registered with IANA according to the
       rules in Section 3.5 of this document before being used to form
       language tags.  In order to distinguish variants from other types
       of subtags, registrations MUST meet the following length and
       content restrictions:

       "1.  Variant subtags that begin with a letter (a-z, A-Z) MUST be
           at least five characters long.

       "2.  Variant subtags that begin with a digit (0-9) MUST be at
           least four characters long."

Specifically I'd like to know if all subtags with a date must begin with that date!

Or does it matter?

Thanks very much.

--C. E. Whitehead
cewcathar at yahoo.com

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