policy wrt politics (was RE: be-tarask language subtag registration form)

C Eddie Whitehead cewcathar at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 3 16:27:35 CEST 2007

Jaska Zedlik <sub at zedlik.com> wrote: YT> There really isn't any separate -Latn variant of the Belarusian
YT> language (grammar rules etc.), there's an uncodified as of yet Latin
YT> graphical system.

Taraskievic published the orthography in the Latin script as well as
in Cyrillic script. It can be considerad as codification.

Besides this there are at least 4 teachbooks with Latin orthography
by different authors published between 1930th and 1960th.

YT> I don't know whether this makes it valid separate language.

This makes a separate script, but the language is one.

Jaska Zedlik

Yes it's the orthography that varies here I gather, not the language.
Thanks for clarifying this.

--C. E. Whitehead
cewcathar at yahoo.com

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