be-tarask language subtag registration form

Yury Tarasievich yury.tarasievich at
Mon Apr 2 07:04:57 CEST 2007

Hi again,

I don't understand what's being a problem right now, but as a history
was mentioned, I've thought you'd like to know thing or two more on

In fact, "first attempts to codify grammar" w/r to the modern
Belarusian were made in the end 18th cent. and in 1846 (both
Cyrillic), 1915 (Latin), 1917 (another two, one of them
Tarashkyevich's, which was *printed* both in Cyrillic and Latin). Only
in 1929 5th edition, there was fractional attempt to codify Belarusian
writing in Latin.

There never was *extensive* *writing* (as opposed to transliterating
of Belarusian to Polish readers) in Latin,  whatever those fancy site

The point is -- you are quite safe with -tarask or -tarashk, whatever
you choose.

Was my yesterday's post (3 posts in fact) on background useful at all?

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