Suppress-Script candidates (was: Re: frr, fy, ngo, tt)

John Cowan cowan at
Wed Sep 27 21:21:06 CEST 2006

Doug Ewell scripsit:

> Trying to compile a comprehensive list of languages "used in" the 
> countries of the world would be both a monumental task and a highly 
> controversial one.  Does one person in Nauru who speaks Igbo count? 

Or as I put it on the LTRU list a year ago, concerning the unlikely
but valid tag "nv-DK":

	Who knows?  Someday the Dine may walk in beauty in the apple
	fields of Fyn or beneath the modern buildings of Copenhagen.
	Stranger things have happened.

John Cowan   cowan at
Lope de Vega: "It wonders me I can speak at all.  Some caitiff rogue did
rudely yerk me on the knob, wherefrom my wits still wander."
An Englishman: "Ay, a filchman to the nab betimes 'll leave a man
crank for a spell." --Harry Turtledove, Ruled Britannia

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