Alemanic & Swiss German

Doug Ewell dewell at
Thu Dec 7 08:08:37 CET 2006

Peter Constable <petercon at microsoft dot com> wrote:

> I believe Mark was misled by the fact that one of the machine-readable 
> (draft) code tables for ISO 639-3 (the file for the code set) had 
> "Alemanic" as the reference name for "gsw", which to Mark suggested 
> the collection (Alemannic in the broader scope) rather than the 
> (posited) individual language (Alemannic in the narrow scope).

It wasn't that long ago that the format of the code-set file was changed 
from listing all of the names to listing only the reference name.

> Probably the best solution -- and I think Mark indicated he was OK 
> with this -- would be to change the reference name in ISO 639-3 to 
> "Swiss German", list "Alemannic" as another name, and include a note 
> (in the entry in the LST registry) clarifying that "Alemannic" here is 
> meant in the narrow sense.

Can this be done, putting this whole, seemingly overblown crisis to an 

Doug Ewell  *  Fullerton, California, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14

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