Request for variant subtag: western

John Cowan cowan at
Wed Aug 30 03:57:41 CEST 2006

Peter Constable scripsit:

> Please explain. Your mail to others does not AFAICT address the specific
> point I make here: if you revise a variant subtag by adding additional
> prefixes, we have no means to document what the denotation of some
> given prefix + variant combination is.
> E.g. suppose the entry for a variant subtag 'western' were revised
> to include the prefix 'en', and some people start using it to
> denote some variety of English spoken in Cornwall while others start
> using it to denote some variety of English spoken in Western Australia,
> then there's a mess.

I think the registry comments serve that purpose.

John Cowan                              cowan at
Humpty Dump Dublin squeaks through his norse
                Humpty Dump Dublin hath a horrible vorse
But for all his kinks English / And his irismanx brogues
                Humpty Dump Dublin's grandada of all rogues.  --Cousin James

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