Tagging of silent films

Frank Ellermann nobody at xyzzy.claranet.de
Wed Sep 28 22:13:15 CEST 2005

Peter Constable wrote:

  [Marion Gunn:]
>> Personally, I'd be all for deprecating the tag 'und' and
>> replacing it with 'xxx' (a shorthand combination widely
>> recognised across this planet as indicating
>> 'unknown/blank/yet to be filled in').

> And also as widely recognized as indicating either 'poison'
> or 'sexually-explicit content'.

Yes, "xxx" is a bad idea, not speaking about a potential sTLD.

While "und" was a poor choice, e.g. it's not "UNDefined", to
replace it now could make it worse.  I started to think about
"nnn" (derived from latin NN).  But "nnn" would be confused
with "nn" (the former "no-nyn"), this could upset Harald. :-)

                       Bye, Frank

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