The "not-language" identifier (was: RE: Mandarin Chinese, Simplified Script)

John.Cowan jcowan at
Thu Jun 16 16:36:48 CEST 2005

L.Gillam scripsit:

> FOR: On the other hand, some applications may have enforced
> this need: in the world of xml:lang, you need some kind of override if an
> xml:lang has been described on an element at a higher level; the
> empty value doesn't really do it as I recall. Essentially, though, 
> isn't it xml:lang that should be suppressed/negated rather than the 
> self-negating value? There may be other such examples.

The empty value of xml:lang restores the default state: no declaration is made
as to language or linguistic status.  The proposed value would declare
the absence of linguistic information.

John Cowan  jcowan at
Mr. Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty.  --Oscar Wilde

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