draft-phillips-langtags-08 script subtags and matching

Peter Constable petercon at microsoft.com
Sun Jan 2 04:07:59 CET 2005

> From: ietf-languages-bounces at alvestrand.no [mailto:ietf-languages-
> bounces at alvestrand.no] On Behalf Of Tex Texin

> Although the format of the tags is consistent, and the matching rules
> unchanged, the behavior that users will see is indeed different...

> Under RFC 3066, if I specify sr-CS I will have returned an sr-CS page
> it
> exists.
> Under RFC 3066bis, if I continue to specify sr-CS, not knowing that
> server
> has begun using sr-Latn-CS, I will not have that page returned.

The flaw in this logic is assuming that this is something that resulted
specifically from this draft, or that is a problem the RFC should be
able to solve. A tag "sr-Latn" or "sr-Latn-CS" could be registered under
RFC 3066; in fact, the former is registered, and there's a reasonable
likelihood that the latter would be apart from the proposed revision.
Under RFC 3066, a site admin could already change the way the site's
pages are tagged, leading to a change in user experience. That problem
cannot be attributed to the proposed revision.

Peter Constable

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