OS X 10.2.4 non-standard & unconstitutional

John Cowan jcowan at reutershealth.com
Tue Apr 15 11:51:26 CEST 2003

Marion Gunn scripsit:

> Irish objectors to that non-standard and unconstitutional langtag are
> being told it was chosen by and/or given the IETF stamp of approval by
> an IETF-appointed langtag reviewer, which (unless that claim is bogus)
> makes its chain of responsibility go back directly to IETF/IANA.

The claim most certainly is bogus.  IETF standardizes language tags,
not verbose descriptions such as "Ireland (Gaelic)".  The underlying tag
is presumably ga-ie, both parts of which are derived from ISO standards,
not IETF ones.  The "ga" part (from ISO 639-1) is derived from "Gaeilge",
not "Gaelic".

As you know perfectly well, Michael Everson is and always has been the
"IETF-appointed langtag reviewer".  However, tags of this form (an ISO
639-1 code followed by an ISO 3166-1 country code) are not reviewed by
him, being implicit in the standard.

The only possible legitimate target of your complaint is Apple Computers.
They have already been notified, as you know, and it serves no further
purpose for you to pester this list or any other.

John Cowan                                   jcowan at reutershealth.com
        "You need a change: try Canada"  "You need a change: try China"
                --fortune cookies opened by a couple that I know

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