Impact of Punycode

Shawn Steele Shawn.Steele at
Fri Mar 26 03:01:27 CET 2010

> This is no change whatever from how the application had to work
> before, because when it received a series of 8-bit labels it had to
> know how to treat those 8-bit labels.  Non-ASCII labels are clearly
> not in hostname format, and so they have to be interpreted by the
> application which has to know what to do with that label.  Nothing has
> changed here.

We had UTF-8 labels, that's the same as before. Now we have UTF-8 labels that are equivilent to ASCII lables (punycode).  That's way different.  Before the labels were mostly unique (if you don't count mapping).

I'm sort of saying that this is causing us all sorts of confusion and labels.  You seem to either be saying I'm hallucinating :) or we did it wrong :)  (I wish I were hallucinating, and it was "before my time".)  Neither of those helps me solve the problem.


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