non-ASCII dots

James Seng james at
Sun Mar 22 22:33:23 CET 2009

I think you misunderstood about the "dot" problem. It is not these
"dots" are allowed as domain name but they are identified as
"separator" like "."

The main reason is to because when a user switch to CJK inputs, when
he press ".", most IME will spur out U+3002 instead. If you do not
identify U+3002 as a separator, then a user will have to enter CJK
IME, switch back to English, enter a ".", switch back to CJK IME etc.


-James Seng

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:51 AM, Erik van der Poel <erikv at> wrote:
> Another question from the summary:
>> A. Multiple characters are allowed as "dots" in domain names under
>> IDNA2003 and presumably under IDNAV2. This is a general problem for
>> all versions of IDNA but may be exacerbated by the variants for "dots"
>> that are permitted under IDNA2003 and IDNAv2. What is the WG view?
> In my view, non-ASCII dots should never have been allowed in IDNA2003.
> However, now that many IDNA2003 implementations have been distributed
> to users and a few stored domain names use these non-ASCII dots, some
> may feel that we have to support them (forever).
> Having said that, I am quite concerned about adding yet another
> non-ASCII dot in IDNAv2 (U+2CFE COPTIC FULL STOP) because IDNA2003
> includes a flag that allows for the lookup of unassigned (in Unicode
> 3.2) characters. Such applications would not only fail to case-fold
> post-Unicode-3.2 characters correctly, they would fail to divide the
> full domain name into individual labels, and since DNS labels are
> "owned" by different owners, this just seems like an invitation to
> further problems.
> In my view, the dot is a keyboard and UI issue. Of course, it would be
> nice if we could push ALL mappings out to the keyboard and UI, but, to
> use one of John's favorite words, this may be "unrealistic". ;-)
> Erik
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