Reserved general punctuation

Paul Hoffman phoffman at
Thu Mar 20 15:43:14 CET 2008

At 2:10 AM -0700 3/20/08, Mark Davis wrote:
>1. I just did a test of the 05 tables (against Unicode 5.0).
>Other than the Cf issue, I found one other thing. There are 
><reserved> characters (that is, General_Category=Cn) that show up as 
>DISALLOWED when they shouldn't.
>2064..2069  ; DISALLOWED  # <reserved>..<reserved>
>I believe the reason is that they are default_ignoreable. But 
>General_Category=Cn should take precedence.

I am not understanding the logic here. Are you saying IDNA200x should 
have a hole for later additions of punctuation to the Unicode 
Standard? We don't know the properties of those future characters.

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