Mixing scripts (Re: Unicode versions (Re: Criteria for exceptional characters))

Soobok Lee lsb at lsb.org
Thu Dec 21 13:39:43 CET 2006

On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 10:45:56AM +0000, Gervase Markham wrote:
> I don't think there's much disagreement that script mixing should be 
> banned in almost all cases. The question arises about where best to 
> implement the ban. If we are certain we can forsee all possible needs 
> for script mixing now, 

Local character sets might provide  some clues. They often contain
multiple scripts in single local charset in order to serve the need
of everyday language life of local language communities.

I think this statement is very reasonable:
 "If it is possible to "localize" an IDN label in any single local charset,
   the label should be allowed, however many scripts it spans across.
   Even for some of those, UA can display in punycode form."

Labels of Simplified Han Ideo + Hangul Syllables  cannot be
typed in or displayed in either of KSC5601(Korea) and  GB2312(China).
So they should be disallowed somewhere between IDNA,UA and registries.

> perhaps we could put it in the IDNA standard.
> >The only reason I can think of for allowing the mixing of Latin, 
> >Cyrillic, and Greek letters is to allow registrars and/or registries 
> >make bucketloads of money on such mixed labels. 
> I agree entirely.

Greek local charset(iso-8859-7) does not contain any cyrillic char,
Cyrillic local charset(iso-8859-5) does not contain any greek char.


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