- eSoftware

Submitted by flemingp at us.ibm.com on Thur May 18 19:44:2 MET 2000.

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OID description:
Based on CIM, this structural object class denormalizes some of the CIM_SoftwareFeature and CIM_SoftwareElement information. It is used to represent instances of software on a machine; that is, it represents a program and any supporting files that is available for installation, for download and execution (i.e., a Java applet) or for execution on the machine on which it is installed.

NAME 'eSoftware' 
DESC 'Based on CIM, this structural object class denormalizes some of the CIM_SoftwareFeature and CIM_SoftwareElement information.  It is used to represent instances of software on a machine; that is, it represents a program and any supporting files that is available for installation, for download and execution (i.e., a Java applet) or for execution on the machine on which it is installed.' 
SUP 'cimLogicalElement' 
MAY ( software $ softwareElementState $ softwareElementID $ vendor $ identifyingNumber $ version $ osType $ otherOSTypeDescription $ manufacturer $ buildNumber $ serialNumber $ codeSet $ identificationCode $ languageEdition $ labeledURI $ localPath $ supportingFiles $ applSoftwareHint $ applSystemHint )

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Entered: Thur May 18 19:44:2 MET 2000 (not changed manually)