Document: draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-nodearch-key-03 Reviewer: Harald Tveit Alvestrand Review Date: 2006-12-07 IETF LC End Date: 2006-12-11 IESG Telechat date: (if known) Summary: Ready to go. Small grumbles. Comments: This document does 2 things: - Register an extension to pass implementation identities around - Change the registration requirement for extensions to allow Experimental extensions to be registered The first point is adequately described, with more than enough caveats about what to do and not to do. The last one seems quite reasonable, given that Informational registration was already allowed. I'm not completely happy about the lumping of that one into this document, but that's the call of the WG and AD. Two points, which may be addressed if the document is revisited for other reasons: 1) I read RFC 3720 section 13.5.2 as saying that publication of extensions as standards-track is allowed, even though the wording is quite convoluted. So the implication of the language in section 5 that it was previously restricted to informational only seems unwarranted. 2) It would be good if section 5 of this draft pointed specifically at section 13.5.2 of RFC 3720 as the section to be updated, and provided specific language to be read as "this section is now replaced by". I *think* the text only means that the words "as an informational RFC" are changed to "as an informational or experimental RFC, as appropriate", but it would be nice to be 100% certain that this is the intended effect, and that no other section of RFC 3720 needs changing (my scan of 3720 might have overlooked something). claims that there are no nits. Good.