Document: draft-ietf-inch-iodef-12.txt Reviewer: Christian Vogt Review Date: 9 May 2007 IESG Telechat date: 10 May 2007 Summary: This draft is in a good condition. Especially the introduction provides a reasonable understanding of the purpose and background of the standard for an unexperienced reader. Few comments below, though. Comments: I found that it might be useful to allow a telephone number to be accompanied by a time range during which it should be used. E.g., it might be ok to call an office number between 8 am and 5 pm, but a cell-phone number should be used outside this time range. Possibly, the free-form "meaning" attribute in the Telephone class could be used for this purpose. If so, it might be useful to state this explicitly in the document. In addition, some editorial nits: - Section 2.4, page 8: s/encoding of the document are/encoding of the document is/ [I'm not 100% sure if "data" goes with singular or plural in the English language, since I'm not a native speaker. But from the information I found, it should be singular in this context.] - Section 2.13, page 10: s/A telephone number/A telephone or fax number/ - Section 3.7.1, page 22: s/Regional Latin-American/Latin-American/ - Section 7.1, page 62: s/A example/An example/